New issue of Sports Psychiatry out now - 2022;1(2)
This year's second issue of Sports Psychiatry 2022;1(2) is now available. For this issue, SSSPP president and chief editor Malte Claussen received active support from Markus Gerber (University of Basel), Andres Ricardo Schneeberger (University of California) and Alan Currie (RADS Newscastle).
Click here to access the full issue online on Hogrefe eContent. Enjoy reading!
Dr. med. Malte Christian Claussen
Präsident SGSPP, Psychiatrische Universitätsklinik Zürich
Associate Editor
Prof. Dr. Markus Gerber
Department of Sport, Exercise and Health, University of Basel
Assoc Clin Prof Andres Ricardo Schneeberger
University of California, San Diego
Guest Editor
Dr. Alan Currie
Chair ISSP Scientific Committee, Regional Affective Disorders Service in Newcastle