Call for papers - Interpersonal violence in sports
The fifth issue of Sports Psychiatry - Journal of Sports and Exercise Psychiatry will focus on the topic of interpersonal violence in sports. Prevalence and risk factors of interpersonal violence in sports, psychopathological consequences, and forms of interventions are, amongst others, of high interest.
We are pleased to receive your submissions by December 15th, 2022, e.g. original articles, meta-analyses, position papers, or letters to the editor. All contributions will be reviewed by the editors and undergo a peer-review process.
Approximate Timeline
- optional: Letter of intent to Dr Schmidt
- until December 15th, 2022: Submission of the full manuscript
- The issue is planned to be published in the first quarter of 2023
Click here to read the full call for papers or visit
Guest Editors
Ralph Erich Schmidt, PhD
Lecturer for Clinical Psychology, University of Geneva
Psychotherapist, Psychiatric University Hospital Zurich[at]
Carla Edwards, MD
President ISSP
Assistant Clinical Professor, Psychiatry & Behavioural Neurosciences, McMaster University
Malte Christian Claussen, MD
President SSSPP
Psychiatric University Hospital Zurich