- Home
- Sports psychiatrists
- Research
- Publications
- Journal: Sports Psychiatry
- Call for Papers - Physical activity and exercise in the prevention and treatment of psychiatric disorders
- Call for Papers - Mental Health in Elite and High-performance sports
- Call for papers - Interpersonal Violence in Sports
- Call for papers - Physical activity and sport in child and adolescent psychiatry
- Call for papers - Sports psychology and sports psychiatry
- Call for papers - Sports medicine and Sports psychiatry
- Call for papers - Burnout and overtraining / overreaching in athletes, coaches and the general population
- Textbook
- Position papers
- Annual reports
- Newsletter
- [Newsletter in German] 01.2022 - SGSPP Nachrichten: Leading Opinions Neurologie & Psychiatrie 3/2022
- [Newsletter in German] 11.2021 - SGSPP Nachrichten: Leading Opinions Neurologie & Psychiatrie 5/2021
- [Newsletter partly in German] 09.2021 - SGSPP Nachrichten: Leading Opinions Neurologie & Psychiatrie 4/2021
- [Newsletter in German] 07.2021 - SGSPP Nachrichten: Leading Opinions Neurologie & Psychiatrie 3/2021
- [Newsletter in German] 05.2021 - SGSPP Nachrichten: Leading Opinions Neurologie & Psychiatrie 2/2021
- [Newsletter in German] 03.2021 - SGSPP Nachrichten: Leading Opinions Neurologie & Psychiatrie 1/2021
- [Newsletter in German] 12.2020 - SGSPP Nachrichten: Leading Opinions Neurologie & Psychiatrie 6/2020
- [Newsletter in German] 11.2020 - SGSPP Nachrichten: Leading Opinions Neurologie & Psychiatrie 5/2020
- [Newsletter in German] 09.2020 - SGSPP Nachrichten: Leading Opinions Neurologie & Psychiatrie 4/2020
- [Newsletter in German] 06.2020 - SGSPP Nachrichten: Leading Opinions Neurologie & Psychiatrie 3/2020
- [Newsletter in German] 04.2020 - SGSPP Nachrichten: Leading Opinions Neurologie & Psychiatrie 2/2020
- [Newsletter in German] 03.2020 - SGSPP Nachrichten: Leading Opinions Neurologie & Psychiatrie 1/2020
- [Newsletter in German] 12.2019 - SGSPP Nachrichten: Leading Opinions Neurologie & Psychiatrie 5/2019
- [Newsletter in German] 04.2022 - SGSPP Nachrichten: Leading Opinions Neurologie & Psychiatrie 04/2022
- [Newsletter in German] 02.2022 - SGSPP Nachrichten: Leading Opinions Neurologie & Psychiatrie 7/2022
- [Newsletter in German] 04.2022 - SGSPP Nachrichten: Leading Opinions Neurologie & Psychiatrie 11/2022
- [Newsletter in German] 06-2022 - SGSPP-Nachrichten: Leading Opinions Neurologie & Psychiatrie 06/2022
- [Newsletter in German] 01.2023 - SGSPP-Nachrichten: Leading Opinions Neurologie & Psychiatrie 01/2023
- Special issues
- → 1st special issue Sports Psychiatry in "Praxis", 4/2022
- Editorial Sports Psychiatry in "Praxis"
- The Three-Level Curriculum Sports Psychiatry and an Evaluation of the First Course "Basic Health Care in Sports Psychiatry"
- The Importance of Physical Activity for Mental Health
- Physical Activity and Mental Health in the Elderly [Article in German]
- Enjoying Sports and Movement in Mental Illness [Article in German]
- Position paper: Violence and Abuse in Competitive Sports
- Sports Psychiatry in Competitive Sports
- Sports Psychiatric Diagnostics in Competitive Sports - Establishing a Clinical Standard
- → 2st special issue sports psychiatry in "praxis", 6/2022
- → [Special Issue in German] Schwerpunkt Sportpsychiatrie und -psychotherapie. Schweizer Zeitschrift für Psychiatrie & Neurologie 2021
- Sportpsychiatrie und -psychotherapie: Medizinische Spezialisierung und Tätigkeitsfelder
- Gewalt und Missbrauch im Leistungssport
- Körperliche Aktivität und psychische Gesundheit im Kontext der SARS-CoV-2-Pandemie
- Bewegungssucht und komorbide Störungen
- Das dreistufige Curriculum Sportpsychiatrie und -psychotherapie
- Portrait: Dr. Malte Christian Claussen
- → German Journal of Sports Medicine 06/2021
- Editorial: Sports Medicine and Sports Psychiatry
- Sports Psychiatry: Discipline and Fields of Activity
- Cardiovascular Disease and Excess Mortality in Depression: Physical Activity as a Game Changer
- Overtraining from a Sports Psychiatry Perspective
- Physical Activity for the Treatment and Prevention of Depression: A Rapid Review of Meta-Analyses
- Exercise for the Treatment of Schizophrenia: a Current Review and Recommendations
- Sports Psychiatry and Medical Views on Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in Competitive Sport: A Current Review and Recommendations
- The Role of Exercise for Prevention and Treatment of Depression and Cognitive Decline in the Elderly
- Sports Psychiatric Examination in Competitive Sports
- Position Paper: Sports Psychiatric Care Provision in Competitive Sports
- → Special issue Sports Psychiatry. Sport & Exercise Medicine Switzerland 2020
- Swiss Society for Sports Psychiatry and Psychotherapy SSSPP
- Swiss Society for Sports Psychiatry and Psychotherapy SSSPP. Position paper: Mental health in competive sport
- Swiss Society for Sports Psychiatry and Psychotherapy SSSPP. Position Paper: Physical activity and mental health
- ADHD in Athletes
- Sports-psychiatry and psychotherapy for alpine sports
- Anxiety and Anxiety Disorders in Elite Athletes
- Mental health in competitive sports in times of COVID-19
- LGBTQI and sports – future implications for sports psychiatry
- Muscle dysmorphia
- The PACINPAT study: physical activity counselling in in-patients with major depressive disorders
- Sportpsychiatric aspects of parasports
- Psychopharmacological Treatment in Athletes
- Eating disorders in male elite athletes
- Use of psychotropic substances in elite sports
- The relationship between professional sports and suicidal behaviour
- Psychiatric aspects of Traumatic Brain Injury in professional sports
- Swiss Society for Sports Psychiatry and Psychotherapy SSSPP. Curriculum Sports Psychiatry And Psychotherapy: Level 1
- Exercise addiction – cases, possible indicators and open questions
- → 1st special issue Sports Psychiatry in "Praxis", 4/2022
- Journal: Sports Psychiatry
- Curriculum
- Events
- fachsymposium-sportpsychiatrie-und-psychotherapie-der-privatklinik-wyss-ag
- psy-kongress-2019-session-sport-psychiatrie
- dgppn-kongress-2019-symposium-junge-sportpsychiatrie-uber-psychische-storungen-im-leistungssport
- dgppn-kongress-2019-symposium-individualisierte-sportpsychiatrie-und-psychotherapie
- sgspp-jahrestagung-2020
- brainfair-zurich-2020-diskussionsforum-gehirnerschutterung-im-sport
- dgppn-referat-sportpsychiatrie-und-psychotherapie-workshop
- sportsymposium
- 34-mediweek-davos-programm-sportmedizin
- internationale-tagung-2020-sgos-nervig-am-nerv-der-zeit
- jahrestagung-schweizerische-gesellschaft-fur-arzneimittelsicherheit-in-der-psychiatrie-sgamsp
- ISSP Autumn Scientific Meeting
- psychische-gesundheit-im-leistungssport-forschungstreffen-journal-club
- dgppn-kongress-2020
- universitatsspital-zurich-39-interaktiver-hausarztenachmittag
- [Annual meeting in German] Virtuelle SGSPP-Jahrestagung, 22.01.2021
- [Symposium in German] Sports, Medicine and Health Summit 2021 meets SGSPP: Symposium Psychische Gesundheit im Leistungssport (DE)
- [Workshop in German] DGPPN Akademie: Workshop Psyche und Sport
- [Online symposium in German] inCLOUsiv: COVID-19 und Leistungssport
- ISSP May Scientific Symposium
- CANCELLED [Panel discussion in German] Paulus Akademie: Seelenriss im Spitzensport
- [Symposium in German] Klinik Hirslanden: Lakeside - Personalisierte Prävention für Ärztinnen und Ärzte
- [Congress in German] PSY-Kongress 2021
- [Symposium in German] 10. St.Galler Symposium: Sport & Psychische Gesundheit
- [Monthly series in German] PDGR: Sport in der Psychiatrie
- [Online summit in German] Generation Change - Psychische Gesundheit von Kindern und Jugendlichen
- [Symposium in German] 1. Bündner Sportpsychiatrie-Symposium
- [Advanced training in German] Sportpsychiatrische und -psychotherapeutische Basisversorgung
- SGS Webinar: What is needed to promote physical activity?
- [Symposium in German] DGPPN congress: Gewalt und Missbrauch im Leistungssport
- [Symposium in German] Privatklinik Wyss - 2. Fachsymposium Sportpsychiatrie und -psychotherapie
- 1st International Conference on Sports Psychiatry ICSP
- DGPPN-Akademie: Psyche und Sport [Workshop in German]
- [Symposium in German] ÖGSPP: Sportidentität - Wo kommt die her?
- [Advanced training in German] Sportpsychiatrische und -psychotherapeutische Basisversorgung - Frühling 2022 - AUSGEFALLEN
- Sport Management Summit 2022 [summit in German]
- SGSPP-Symposium beim SGKJPP-Jahreskongress 2022 [Symposium in German]
- SGSPP-Symposium beim PSY-Kongress 2022 [Symposium in German]
- [Advanced training in German] Sportpsychiatrische und -psychotherapeutische Basisversorgung - Herbst 2022
- 1. Zürcher Sportmedizin Symposium - Kind und Sport [Symposium in German]
- Update Sportpsychiatrie und -psychotherapie 2023 / Jahressymposium SGSPP [Symposium in German]
- Sporteltern: Kick-Off-Meeting [local meeting in Switzerland in German]
- [Conference in German] 2. International Conference on Sports Psychiatry
- Sporteltern: Wie blüht mein Kind auf? [local meeting in Switzerland in German]
- SSSPP Annual Symposium 2024
- SRF Puls: Gesunder Geist im fitten Körper: Wie finde ich "meinen" Sport? [German TV feature]
- Privatklinik Hohenegg: Symposium - Flexibilität
- Aadorfer Fachforum: Bewegendes zur Anorexia Nervosa
- Einführung in die Sportpsychiatrie [advanced training in German]
- CANCELLED: 3rd International Conference on Sports Psychiatry
- Annual Symposium SSSPP 2025